Thursday, 29 November 2018

How to look after our planet

Sustainability means to look after the world and 

Respect the enviroment and not useing plastic because

It kills animals and it can go into the sea and kill more 

Animals and animls are good for the earth. In my class

We are learning sustainibility and with my school

We went to arouna park and learnt the people are. 

Cutting down monkeys and gorillas home and killing

Them to get palm oil and there are heaps of 

Sustainabile products like t-shirt bags beeswax wraps

Home made  and at the super markets you can also buy more reusible.

Do you look after the planet like I do?

Choices to make.

At my school we are learning about Saints and how they made the right choices.

At my school there are three levels of choices level1 level2 and level3.

On the levels they get envolved with your parent  teacher and principle.

level one is envolved with you teacher level two is envolved with your teacher and 

parents level three is envolved with you teacher parent and principle.

do you have rules at your school like mine?

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

ST. Lucy

I am learning to summerise a Saints' lives

My Saint is St. Lucy.

she is christian and was apart of the Holy spirit  she was blind almost all her life 

A Saint is someone who follows the footsteps of Jesus and makes the right choices

Lucys history was lost.

Lucy was killed by guards the guards put wood around her and tried to burn it but 

it did not work so the guards got there swords out and Lucy met her death.

do you know anything else about St. Lucy?

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Diamante poem


                                                          huge eating

                                         stomping splashing squirting

                                             smelly rough soft cute 

                                        snuggling sleeping playing 

                                                       small silky


In my class we have been learning Diamante poems and that is one of my poems.

I like diamante poems because you have to choose a oppisite thing to the other 

thing that you are writing.

do you know what a diamante poem is?